Tudung? Hijab? Headscarf? Is it all of them refer to the same thing? Yup,literally all of them carry the same meaning.. But what it is?...Can we separate tudung and Muslimah? Both are interrelated I could say.Tudung or hijab is a kind of clothes worn by Muslimah to cover their hair. It is a reponsibility for them to wear it since it is commanded by The Almighty God.
In the Quran, ALLAH says :
"And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms" (An-Nuur : 31)
After we've read the verse from Holy Al-Quran, we should know that:
(i) - Wearing Hijab is a 'must do' thing which is compulsory for all muslimah
(ii) - The one who wears the Hijab must draw their veils over their bosoms
Wearing the Hijab means the person shows one of the characteristics of a true muslimah.....so, she should not just easily let other muslimah with the Hijab doing bad attitude.And as we always hear," Islam is beautiful and the one who practices Islamic way of life also will look beautiful "That's why women or girls those wearing the hijab as tought by the Quran will look nice and attractive in which people will say "cool to the eyes" referring to them.
As mentioned above, tudung is something which women wear to cover their hair. But is it totally refers to the hair only? If it is so, then wearing mini scarf or "selendang" also can be considered as wearing tudung. Is it so? It is not! Regarding to the Islamic teachings, we learn that wearing tudung or hijab is not only by covering the hair, but more than that, Islam instructs the muslimahs to wear the tudung that is not transparent or translucent, not tight until the others can see the shape of the head, ears and neck, and also covering the chest. The only part that can be shown only the face. About the length of the tudung, it is not been mentioned specifically, but the condition is that it must be long enough to cover the chest.
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